Recommended Resources


Reedsy is one of the prominent free sources in the writing community. Within the blog, there are tips for everyone to improve in all areas such as: characters and publishing. It offers free 10 day courses, blog posts, generators and other services for authors, editors, marketer, designers and others alike.


A topic constantly in the limelight is the accessibility of information about anything and everything on the internet. YouTube is one of the dominating media websites in the world, with videos about almost anything and everything. There are countless channels made by aspiring and professional bloggers, entrepreneurs, authors, editors--all of which offer advice based on their journey.

Daily Writing Tips

Daily Writing tips is a website which gives, as hinted by the name, daily advice with a focus on grammar and vocabulary. This is a great way to brush up on grmmar practces as each post is concise.

Zotero Bib

Zotero Bib is a free citation website which allows to quickly input citations in a bibliography for your projects, and does not require an account or download (Zotero Bib). However, another alternative is Zotero, which is recommended if you need to reuse citations and manage other bibliographies.

Your Teachers

One of the simplest ways that are often overlooked is asking your teachers for advice. Teachers are always willing to help, especially if is regarding difficulty in work.

Typing Assistants

This includes a wide range of software such as grammar checkers, prompt generators, editing tools, and note-taking apps. Similar to citation generators, are not foolproof as they do sometimes gloss certain mistakes such as hymonyms. However, as with all technology, you should not become reliant on these services.

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